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27 NDA Course is proud of its camaraderie. We were a total of 295 adolescents when we entered the portals of this great institution in the first week of January 1962. Some joined us from the previous courses while some left us for the subsequent courses. We were 282 in number when we passed out on 25 December 1964. We have lost 82 of our course-mates since passing out from NDA.

We celebrated our Golden Jubilee Reunion at NDA from 01 to 03 December 2014. It was a nostalgic occasion. Many of us were reconnecting after five decades. During those three days of bonhomie, we were cadets once again. We relived our old days, renewed old acquaintances and savoured every moment of togetherness.    

This book chronicles our experiences – selection for NDA, rigours of training, lighter side of life at NDA and the Reunion. It is the first such attempt by any course.

It is no ordinary book. It is an expression of our gratitude to the great institution that moulded us into cerebral and intrepid warriors.

27 NDA Course Reminisces

SKU: 9789393499059
₹1,850.00 Regular Price
₹1,202.50Sale Price
  • Major General Mrinal Suman, AVSM, VSM, PhD commanded an Engineer Regiment in the most hostile battlefield in the world ie the Siachen Glacier. He was the Task Force Commander at Pokharan and was responsible for designing and sinking shafts for the nuclear tests. For that, he was duly decorated by the President of India.

    He is considered to be India’s foremost expert on myriad aspects of India’s defence industry, procurement regime and offsets. He is regularly invited to address various Indian chambers, associations and foreign industrial delegations. He is a prolific writer and has published more than 550 papers in different journals and newspapers; many have been translated into foreign languages. His views command immense respect.

    General Suman has authored eight books that deal with the issues confronting the Indian armed forces; reasons for the tardy procurement process; controversies afflicting major defence contracts; reasons for growing anti-nationalism; years in the olive green; the Pokhran task, state of Indian defence industry; and command of an Engineer Centre. 

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