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This book, Counterterrorism and Global Security - Genesis, Responses and Challenges, offers an alternative overview on counterterrorism and global security with critical and engaging essays by young scholars from Asia. Highlighting both conceptual and practical analyses of counterterrorism, the book offers a unique perspective on counterterrorism. Ranging from epistemological understanding to practice, from historical events to contemporary issues of counterterrorism, the book captures terrorism and counterterrorism at individual, state and international levels. In doing so, this book also highlights the complexities and nuances of counterterrorism at all these levels. The book is categorised logically into three sections: Critical Analysis, Regional Response, and Issues and Challenges.

Critiquing the Western hegemony, particularly the United States of America, on the discourse and practice of counterterrorism, the key emphasis of the book is on rethinking counterterrorism from the Asian perspective. It focuses on the lived experiences of individuals and states in Asia thereby making Asian counterterrorism efforts much more worthy to be understood and appreciated. However, the book is not about glorifying Asian counterterrorism measures as it discusses their shortcomings as well. This is done by addressing the issue with both traditional and non-traditional theories of International Relations. In addition, the book also comprises theories from other disciplines such as sociology and philosophy. This book will be of much interest for students of politics, terrorism, security, human rights, and International Relations in general.


Counterterrorism and Global Security Genesis, Responses and Challenges

₹1,595.00 Regular Price
₹1,276.00Sale Price
  • Editors
    1.Anuradha Oinam is a PhD candidate at the Diplomacy and Disarmament (DAD) division of Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament (CIPOD), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Her area of interest includes privatisation of security, disarmament, foreign policy, and modern warfare.
    2.Shameer Modongal teaches Political Science at the CKG Government College of the Calicut University. He completed PhD from the Centre for International Politics, Organization, Diplomacy and Disarmament (CIPOD) at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. Before PhD, he completed MPhil from the same Center. He is serving as an editor/reviewer of many international journals.
    3. Stanzin Lhaskyabs is currently a PhD candidate in the division of Diplomacy and Disarmament, Centre for International Politics, Organization, Diplomacy and Disarmament (CIPOD) from School of International Studies (SIS) at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India. His research interest area lies in international security, critical security studies, counterterrorism, diplomacy and foreign policy. Before joining JNU, he had a year stint as Management Trainee in Mumbai where he received his master degree from Tata Institute of Social Sciences. He worked as a Software Engineer for two years at Bangalore after graduating from Delhi University. He has contributed articles in journals like Stawa, The Wire, and The Diplomat.

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